Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Juan Valdez/Suck it, grammar!

Most days, my friend Jennifer picks me up and we go to her house to work on our homework for the TEFL class we have in the afternoons. We always try to leave a little early so we can make it to Juan Valdez, a delicious coffee chain in Colombia. The coffee sold by Juan Valdez comes from the coffee farmers of Colombia. There is a Juan Valdez in Granada, close to our school. The guys who work at Juan Valdez and even the parking guy know us now. It’s nice to see familiar people every day – we actually walk in and ask for the usual.

Jenn and her granizado at Juan Valdez

Me and my cafe con leche at Juan Valdez

Speaking of parking, that’s something I had to get used to here. Almost everywhere you go, there are people (usually men) who work helping people park. They find you a spot, wave you in using a red cloth, and then the idea is that they keep an eye on your car while you do whatever it is you’re doing. When you leave, they help you back out of the space, which can be difficult due to massive oncoming traffic and the fact that they park cars in the craziest positions here. In exchange for this service, you give the guy a few coins and go on your merry way.

After Juan Valdez, we head over to ISSO. Here are a few pictures of Jenn and I being very studious. On this particular day, we got the results of our grammar exam, and I passed with a 96%! Suck it, grammar!!!

Our school, ISSO

Street outside school

Ready for class...

Jenn pretending to teach the class

Yes, this is how I teach my students

My instructor, Harold, demonstrating his favorite class-time activity (playing with his cell phone)


  1. ok. so is this different from the Juan valdez coffee that we get from the grocery store in the US? And i love that you had a cafe con leche - that's usually what I get! (except I use the french cafe au lait... :-P)

  2. I love the pic of you with your cafe con leche - you look so pretty! As far as the teacher pose, I could use a few more buttons undone...!
